I'm sitting here on the cusp of Christmas Night trying to put together a website revolving around myself. Doesn't that seem fucking cynical? I just feel that besides my podcast (which sits currently in hiatus), my musical compositions (which are here nor there), my fatherly duties (which I'm failing at) and just my motivation and drive in general - I should try and justify my obsolete approach to things. I feel like I need therapy, but then again I feel like this is therapy. The perfect therapy for myself.
I'm sitting at my kitchen table behind my laptop trying to portray myself as some type of intellectual - which I'm not at all. I was raised in a trailer to average low class parents. So what makes me think that I could make any type of movement in any type of medium? I'm kidding myself - heavily. As of writing this, I'm going to be 30 years old in less than a month. I've done nothing in my eyes. I've created content. I've written stuff, whether it be songs or rambling articles - composed music - produced podcast episodes - just random stuff that I've never really seen much of a return on. And let me say I'm not expecting to see a return on any of my investments, but it'd be nice. Because I've gone job to job and I'm tired of it. I'm not the smartest man in the world, but I have a mind that involves creativity. And I feel with how the world works nowadays, content creates cash and cash creates a living. I'm not looking to be a goddamn millionaire, but I am looking to just make a comfortable living. Be my own boss. I feel that people should be able to make a living off what they love. Whats wrong with that? But anyways, I feel that I should leave you at this time. Be kind, watch out for one another. Support people in their ventures and keep the peace. Catch ya later.